
Fresh Farm Food

Just some of the amazingly wonderful produce we got at the St. Paul Farmer's Market today. The fridge is safe guarding the fresh eggs, Swiss chard, spinach, rhubarb, leeks, zucchini, corn, cucumber and rutabaga.


Amazon Tomato Plants

Eric and I had to tape some tomato cages on top of the existing tomato cages due to the gynormous size of our heirloom tomato plants. Hope this works...


Rare phenomenon called mammary clouds! (seriously)By Eric

A Done Door

After a year of waiting off it's hinges in the basement, I finally finished the front hall closet door. An hour of sanding, two coats of new cream paint and a new handle and hinges later, it's hanging beautiful and proud.



My favorite pizza: Margherita Extra from Punch Pizza made with Water Buffalo mozzarella.


It's headed straight for us...

Sirens are sounding and the television is all weather all the time until it passes. Here. We. Go.


Tastes Like Summer

Just made a batch of raspberry jam from berries picked on a Minnesota farm last Saturday with my husband and my parents. And I'm not sharing.

The garden is growing...